Remote Buddy 1.14.1 is out for roughly a week now and adds support for the new QuickTime Player X, the new 64 Bit Snow Leopard kernel and other, more subtle novelties.

Support for QuickTime® Player X

The new Remote Buddy version adds support for Snow Leopard's new QuickTime® Player. Apart from the playback control that you know from older versions, we've also added support for creating and controlling audio, video and screen recordings. To create a new recording while QuickTime® Player X is running, press "Menu" on your remote and select the kind of recording you want to create from Remote Buddy's menu. Then, press play to start recording. Press play again to stop recording.

Remote Buddy not affected by Apple® Remote issue in Snow Leopard

With Snow Leopard, the built-in Apple® Remote support of most non-Apple® software was broken. Users of affected software will notice that Front Row, iTunes®, etc. is reacting to button presses in parallel to the third-party application that's implementing Apple® Remote support on its own.

Remote Buddy is not affected by this issue. It continues to work reliably and in peaceful co-existance with the Apple® Remote functionality that is built into OS X. Remote Buddy has a clean driver architecture of its own and is implemented with best performance, compatibility and user experience in mind: no system files are modified, no system functionality is disabled and no hacks or patches are used. Not a single line of driver code needed to be changed to achieve Snow Leopard compatibility.

So, if you're affected by the Apple® Remote issue in Snow Leopard and you're looking for a solution, look no further and give Remote Buddy a try. We've got a 30 day trial version available and you can download it for free!

If you're an application developer in search for a solution for your own application, please get in touch.

Remote Buddy turns 3 years, 3 months and 3 days today

Today, on September 9th, '09, three years, three months and three days have passed since Remote Buddy was first released on June 6th, '06.

A huge thank you goes to all who've supported the development of Remote Buddy with their purchase, feedback, contributions and enthusiasm. Remote Buddy wouldn't be where it is today without you!

In celebration of today's anniversary, there's a promotion in the IOSPIRIT Online Store: enter the promotion code HAPPYBIRTHDAY into the shopping cart to save 5.55 Euro (that's 27%) on the purchase of one Remote Buddy single user license. The promotion runs until September 12th, 2009.

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