Five very busy months after the last blog post, I'd like to follow up with an update of where things stand and where they're heading.

Remote Buddy 2.0

Just a few days ago, Public Beta 8 shipped. With many new features, support for additional apps, improvements to existing features, bugfixes and support for even more remotes, it marks another important milestone. At this point so little is missing to the completion of version 2.0 that Public Beta 8 will likely be the last.

I hope to get the final version 2.0 of Remote Buddy and its iOS and tvOS companion apps into your hands soon - hopefully still in 2020.

That said, should you experience any issues with Public Beta 8, please let me know so I have a chance to fix them in time.

macOS Big Sur

Remote Buddy 2.0 Public Beta 8 already contains many changes to achieve compatibility with macOS Big Sur. And in my testing so far, it is already working really well. If you, however, run into any issues with macOS Big Sur, please let me know.

Apple silicon

Apple is set to announce the first Apple silicon Macs later today, but developers - including me - have had access to a Transition Kit with A12Z processor for a couple of months now.

If Apple hadn't put a strict NDA in place, I'd have a lot more to say and share here. But since they did, I believe that all I can safely share with you at this point is that I've used the Developer Transition Kit to develop and test Remote Buddy 2.0 on the new architecture, and that I'm excited for the new Macs.

Stay up-to-date

If you'd like to receive an email when the release version ships, please consider subscribing to the newsletter - just below this blog post.

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