Remote Buddy 2.3 is here! Here's what's new:

macOS Ventura support

Remote Buddy 2.3 has been thoroughly tested with and tuned to work well with macOS 13 Ventura.

Support for the 3rd generation Siri Remote

The 3rd (left) and 2nd (right) generation side-by-side. Photo ©2022 IOSPIRIT GmbH

Apple recently introduced the 3rd generation Siri Remote, which comes with a USB-C rather than a Lightning charging port.

And with Remote Buddy 2.3 and macOS 13 Ventura, you can now also use the new Siri Remote with the Mac. Unfortunately, macOS 12 Monterey - at least at the time of writing - does not include drivers for the 3rd generation Siri Remote.

Control Microsoft Edge - web video control included!

With version 2.0, Remote Buddy has greatly upgraded the experience of controlling Safari and Chrome, including actions to control embedded web video's playback, speed, volume and more.

Now, with version 2.3, the same experience becomes available for Microsoft Edge.

Support for the Jellyfin Media Player app

By popular demand, version 2.3 adds support for the Jellyfin Media Player, including actions to control playback, speed, volume, fullscreen and more.

Many small improvements and bugfixes

Testing Remote Buddy with a new major macOS update is always a very time-consuming task. But when we're at it, we're not just looking for things that were broken by changes in the operating system, but also for areas that could be improved in general.

So with this update, pairing instructions have become more detailed and clearer. The AirPlay target switcher on macOS 12+ now lets you know if the Sound menubar item it needs is missing - and offers help to add it. Connected displays are once again shown by their name in Preferences. IR recording buttons now have a context menu that allow you to copy recorded IR timings as JSON. Also, our Knowledge Base and FAQs have been extended to cover additional topics.

How to get the update

To update to the latest version, please use Remote Buddy's built-in updater - or download a copy directly from our website.

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