Vidimote - the Safari extension for advanced playback and speed controls for web videos - is once again updated with useful improvements.

Here's what's new in version 1.8:

Skip and PiP button on top of videos

The new Skip and Picture-in-Picture (PiP) buttons are shown for the first five seconds directly on top of videos, so you can skip unwanted videos or enter Picture-in-Picture with a single click or tap.

Automatic Speed Lock

We noticed a growing number of websites that are periodically resetting video playback speed to 1x - completely on their own.

To mitigate this problem, Vidimote 1.8 now comes with Automatic Speed Lock, which allows speed changes made by you, the user - but blocks unasked speed changes made by the websites themselves.

Settings shortcut

To make settings easier to discover, we added a settings button in Vidimote's popup to open the settings in the Vidimote app.

Available now

Vidimote 1.8 is now available for just 2.99 US$ / 2.99 € for the Universal Purchase, which includes both the iOS/iPadOS and macOS versions.

Get Vidimote 1.8 now on the App Store for iOS/iPadOS and macOS.

The update is free for existing users.

Press Kit

A press kit with images and screenshots is available. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you have.

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