Supported Remote Controls /

Satechi R2 Multimedia Remote

The Satechi R2 Multimedia Remote is a Bluetooth remote control with a gyroscope-based mouse and a USB-C port for charging.

Using a slider on the side, you can change the remote's mode between Presentation and Multimedia modes, which send different codes to the Mac.

Using the gyroscope mouse with Remote Buddy 2

To use the gyroscope mouse, make sure the remote's slider on the side is in Presentation mode, then press the button with the mouse symbol on it.

While the mouse mode is turned on, you can:

  • move the remote in the air to move the mouse cursor
  • press L for a left mouse button press
  • press R for a right mouse button press
  • press and hold R to show and hide Remote Buddy's onscreen keyboard
  • press the button with the mouse symbol again to turn off the mouse mode

Using Remote Buddy's Mousespot to highlight your presentations

If you'd like to use the remote to highlight parts of f.ex. a presentation, you can use Remote Buddy's Mousespot for that.

To turn Mousespot on and off with a button press, you need to assign the action Virtual Mouse > Toggle mousespot to a button in Remote Buddy. To f.ex. control Mousespot with the Menu (Home) button while using PowerPoint, go to Prefs > Mapping > PowerPoint and select Virtual Mouse > Toggle mousespot for the Menu button.

While PowerPoint is the active app, you can then turn Mousespot on and off using the Menu (Home) button.

Black out the screen during a PowerPoint presentation

Assuming you use default settings, you can black out the screen during a PowerPoint presentation by pressing and holding the Select (Play/Pause) button in the middle of the "D-pad". Repeating that action will again show the presentation.


The gyroscope-based mouse is a feature implemented entirely in the hardware of the remote, so that a few limitations apply:

  • the mouse is only available while the remote's slider on the side is in Presentation mode
  • the mouse can only be turned on and off using the button with the mouse symbol on it

The two bottom-most buttons (mute/L and keyboard/R) are exposed as four button codes:

  • L and R while the mouse mode is on
  • Mute and Keyboard while the mouse mode is off
This allows to use the L/R buttons as left and right mouse button while the mouse mode is on - and to use them for other actions while the mouse mode is off.

Due to limitations in the data received from the remote in Presentation mode as well as for consistency, choosing alternative actions for long presses of the Mute and Keyboard buttons is not possible.

The Voice Command button is only available in Multimedia mode. In Presentation mode, that button is hard-wired in the remote's hardware to turn the remote's mouse mode on and off.

The remote send different codes for every button depending on which mode is currently active. To simplify configuration, Remote Buddy 2 unifies the different codes for as many buttons as possible, so that not every button appears twice (once for Multimedia mode, once for Presentation mode) in the user interface.

Apps supporting Satechi R2 Multimedia Remote

macOS 10.13 and later
Remote Buddy 2.0

Last updated: 2025-03-14T16:03:07+00:00
Technology Bluetooth LE
Device Type Remote
Battery built-in, not serviceable